Thanksgiving weekend

Another Thanksgiving is in the books. 

I don't really tend to notice how fast time is zipping by until this time of year. All of a sudden it's Thanksgiving and then the country losses its mind about Christmas for a couple of weeks and then BAM. New year. Wow. What? 

You know that thing on Facebook that's like "# years ago today?" I have things from college from 10 years ago that pop up. That is extremely weird for me.  

It is not abnormal for it to be hard for me to be fully present during this time of year. So often, I get really depressed and just want to put my head down and plough through it.  This Thanksgiving weekend has been very icy and cold. All this time off and time stuck inside has made me really made me think that I am making my life too small. I really value my introvert lifestyle. Don't get me wrong. Today, I am just hanging out on my couch while my cat sleeps next to me. I

t's great. But at the same time, I know I need to push myself a little bit harder to build new relationships and continue diving deeper into the ones I already have. That's really hard for me but I know there is a lot of richness there that my life has really been missing lately. 

All this to say, it has been a pretty "ho-hum" Thanksgiving. It's really easy to miss family this time of year and to question why I live so far away, especially from my sister. Regardless, it has been a relaxing Thanksgiving, and maybe with all the weird leg problems I've been having lately, that's exactly what I needed.

On Thursday, Levent and I hung out all day, which really was lovely (even if we did get quite bored). We watched some football and some Thanksgiving Friends episodes and ended the day by roasting a chicken and serving it with all (well, a reasonable amount of) the fixings. Earlier in the day, we tried making Turkish coffee for the first time and even though it was not nearly strong enough to really be considered Turkish coffee, it wasn't horrible. And that kind of stuff is fun for me. 
The rest this weekend has been filled with indoor activities like cooking, cleaning, finishing The Grapes of Wrath and watching branches, burdened with ice, crash to the ground. 
I do have a lot for which to be thankful. I am mindful of that this weekend. 

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! 
