How to be here in July
Well. We made it this far. It's now late July and I am actually sitting outside of the Perk as I write this. Somehow, it is only like 73 degrees this morning, which I would be completely embracing if my allergies weren't such a nightmare in the summer/all the time. But here's the things looking up and the dream of an early fall.
My friend Tina told me that her husband saw on the esteemed local weather-dreamboat-man, Ross Janssen's blog that we've just went through the hottest point of the summer. (That Thursday, Friday and Saturday when the heat index was in the 100s). Since I didn't read the blog myself (nor would I have understood the science behind it) I can't tell you much more than that. But I am clinging to that reality with all my might. This morning I googled "does extreme heat affect energy levels." I gave up really quickly in my search because it was mostly talking about the numbers of people who die during heat waves. That's not exactly what I was looking for.
This week has been a rough one, internally and externally, at work. Internally, I am so unmotivated, which is pretty unlike me. (Or at least the old Anna). My energy level has been so low. I could've gone to bed at like 9pm every night. Externally, I am just dealing with the same old internal department crap at work as usual. But that plus the low mental and physical energy has made me feel like I am at the end of my rope. Is it even possible to feel hopeful and energetic in July? I am not so sure.
I am really tired of living in Kansas. But since I am here for the time being, I am trying to hard to find ways to love where I live.
I continue to be grateful for my Kansas colleagues, like Tina and Kate. Tina invited us over one Thursday evening for snacks and rosé on their lovely patio. (The evening breeze was actually delightful). It was so nice and relaxing, and a great way for me to blow of some steam about work to people I don't need to give a hella ton of background information to. (Also, the Schrag farm is so beautiful).
Lots of pool time, of course. I look forward to the weekends so much more so now that I can just walk over to a cold pool and jump in.
I've made a few new things that I had never made before in the kitchen, like crackers and ricotta cheese. Both were not successes the first time but I love pushing myself to try and be more creative when it comes to cooking and baking. (I just wish I had a full time dishwasher).
And finally, Wichita, my saving grace this summer. Seriously, my Wichita adventures have been the highlights of most weeks, (not that I go every week). I love exploring more local things that continue to make this city a delight.
Yesterday, my Saturday morning yoga classes was cancelled for that week; so I opted to head down to the Farmer's Market in Old Town before heading to Little Lion Ice Cream's new location for brunch. It was so darling. I treated myself to a breakfast burrito and an iced latte. I still haven't tried their ice cream but I am supporting them with all my heart (and will eventually get there for dessert sometime). Knowing that this was waiting for me on Saturday seriously got me through the week.
We're not even going to talk about my garden any more. It's so bad. But at least I have a few beautiful flowers.
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