Mom and Dad come to Kansas

We are well into November as I write this (although I am going to back date this). If this was a normal year, I would probably just let all this recap go and focus on other things. However, my mental health has been tanking the longer this pandemic goes on. So it's important to me to remember the highlights of this year.  Here is a good one.

Back in September (when our numbers were not surging as bad as they are now), Mom and Dad came to Kansas to visit! Since Levent and I are renters, there weren't very many projected for them to work on. (They love a good project. Actually last time they were here, Dad build some stunning shelves for us). This time around, we were able to do more "vacation-y" things. 

The main event to note was our visit to Botanica, Wichita's Botanical Gardens. I had actually never been and since I took a day off work to be with my parents, we went early enough in the morning where it wasn't beastly hot yet. 

I know Botanica is not a hidden gem, but for me it certainly was. I've been here for about 10 years now and I had never made the time to go. It was so fun to experience it with my parents, who love gardens. My favorite parts were the butterfly garden and the sensory garden. If I ever live some place where gardening is a lot easier and I suddenly get a green thumb, I will create my own sensory garden. 

A plant kaleidoscope in the sensory garden
We saw lots of mini watermelons placed with statues

Don't worry. There were watermelons in the statue baskets

Other highlights included eating lots of good food, of course; going to Little Lion Cafe three times in two days. (One afternoon we got ice cream and then went back moments later to get iced coffees. We regretted nothing); watching movies and taking my parents to Menards. (That is not a highlight for me, but they love it because they don't have one in Asheville). 

Fall drinks at Mojo's

Farewell breakfast

I was really nervous about them traveling out here (because of COVID), but everything ended up being okay. And now that Levent and I are sheltering in place over the holidays, I am so glad I got to spend this time with them.

Thanks for being a highlight of my year, Mom and Dad!
